Tuesday, July 1, 2014

20% growth trend confirms recovery in June 2014

Over the past few years, we have written about the recovery in the Metro Atlanta Real Estate Market; however, we continued to see barriers from activities in Washington, Weather, etc.

Normally new record months are set in August.  2014 is different supported by record volume arriving early in June.  The Cal-Culator  http://southeastmortgage.blogspot.com/2014/06/may-2014-cal-culator-atlanta.html indicated this trend would occur.

With a 20% growth in June, I can say with certainty 2014 will be a great year for the Real Estate Industry.

The issue we see in recovery periods is a lack of planning.  Volume surges are only as good as the production channel to close the applications.  Production channels (Mortgage Application Processing Structures) take years to develop and require a significant investment by the company to design and deploy them.  Pipelines have to be converted to closings in order to maintain referral relationships and add value to Real Estate Professionals.  Realtors demand great service to grow their business and clients need fast dependable communication and service to reduce the inherent uncertainty in buying a home.

Mortgage Originators will need a solid production platform that adapts quickly to volume surges to convert their pipelines to closings and grow their business.  If service and closing certainty is faltering at this level of volume, it is not ready for the months ahead.  This recovery is what everyone in the mortgage industry has been waiting for so ensure you have the service and production capacity to fully participate in the record months ahead.

Cal Haupt
Chairman and CEO
Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc.

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