Monday, December 19, 2011

a low country view of recessions from the perspective of experience

a low country view of recessions from the perspective of experience

By: Cal Haupt

A recession is a cyclical event like the tides in the low country of Georgia.  Both have a cycle and both are a natural event that is beyond our control.

In the low country tides cycle 7 feet up and 7 feet down over a 6 hour period each day.  Depending on the creek in the low country the boat will be in the mud twice a day.

In the US economy, you will experience a recession caused by some unknown or uncontrollable event approximately every 7 years.  Thus the economy will be in the mud at least 4 times in an average person’s working life.

In the low country, mud is a fact of life and you plan accordingly.  No matter how much you want to launch your boat and have fun it will not happen until the tide comes in.  The experienced low country person understands this fact and relaxes taking advantage of the access to the underside of the boat to do repairs so the boat is better when the water rises.

In the US economy, the experienced person understands a recession is a natural event and a cleansing process.  This person does not sweat the slowdown and takes the opportunity to trim expense and make adjustments while the economy is slow.  This person will not fight what is natural and relaxes until the post-recovery begins.

What the low country and the economy have in common is they both get stuck in the mud from time to time.  Mud is part of the cycle of life and fighting this natural event only creates stress.  If you look at the event as an opportunity to adjust until the tide rises, you will be better prepared and ready for the new tide.  Both the experienced person in the low country and the economy should prepare for mud and not let it ruin their boat by forcing its use when the tide is low.  Just because your boat will not run in the mud does not make it a bad boat just poor timing.  Wait for the tide to rise then launch and have fun.  However, keep in mind the tide will go out again so plan your trip wisely.

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